This monograph, created by The Kresge foundation, details the life and work of Shirley Woodson (b. 1937) the 2021 Kresge Eminent Artist. Figurative painter, tireless arts educator, and advocate Shirley Woodson devoted decades to broadening education and exhibition opportunities for generations of African American artists, and for championing art as an essential lens into Detroit’s history and culture. Edited by Nichole Christian and Patrick Barber and with essay contributions from Camille Brewer, Allie McGhee, Dell Pryor, Jocelyn Rainey, Senghor Reid, and Yvette Rock. Presented on the occassion of Woodson's exhibition "A Palette for the People: The Vibrant World of Shirley Woodson" at Detroit's Art Market the catalog is an intimate and richly-illustrated exploration of Woodson’s contributions to African American art.